Niche Travel: Explanation and Top Idea

Jul 3, 20237 min readShare on LinkedIn

Niche Travel: Explanation and Top Ideas

People in Norway mostly don’t like big noisy parties and getting together in large loud companies. Instead, Norwegians are known for their love for attending various clubs and communities, in which they share common interests or hobbies.


If every Norwegian decides to start a travel company, Norway will be the top country offering niche traveling opportunities. Niche traveling is similar to attending a club where people have similar interests. And that’s the exact reason why niche tourism is gaining a foothold today. 


The Btravel Online team is on a constant watch of the most recent travel trends, which is why we can’t ignore such a large elephant in the room as niche tourism. In this article, we’re going to describe what niche travel is, why it’s so popular, and what travel niche you can handpick to bring your tourism business to a new level. 


Nuts and bolts of niche travel


To understand what niche travel is, let’s touch upon the definition of niche marketing first. Niche marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on targeting a specific, well-defined segment of the market. Rather than trying to appeal to a broad audience, niche marketers identify and cater to a narrow and specialized group of consumers who share common characteristics, interests, or needs. 


The idea behind niche marketing is to position a product or service as the ideal solution for a particular niche market, where there may be less competition and a higher likelihood of success. By understanding the unique needs and preferences of the target niche, businesses can tailor their offerings and marketing messages to resonate strongly with that specific audience.


In such a way, the definition of niche travel is the following: It is a specialized segment within the broader travel industry that caters to specific interests, preferences, or demographics of travelers. It involves targeting a particular group of travelers who share a common passion, hobby, or desire for unique and distinct travel experiences.


Niche travel often involves a deeper level of customization and personalization compared to mass-market travel. It aims to provide travelers with unique, off-the-beaten-path experiences that align with their specific interests and passions. Niche travel providers typically specialize in curating itineraries, selecting accommodations, and organizing activities tailored to the preferences of their target niche.


Is niche travel really popular?


There is no doubt about that. We’ve selected such a subheading just to say a big YES: niche travel segment is on a meteoric rise. According to the GlobalData report, more than 40% travelers consider a niched traveling as the primary option for their vacation. 


The rise of niche travel has been facilitated by advancements in technology, as it has become easier for travelers to access information, connect with like-minded individuals, and find specialized travel services. Additionally, social media platforms and online communities have played a significant role in connecting niche travelers, enabling them to share experiences, recommendations, and tips.


Well, the numbers speak loudly in favor of niche travel as a promising trend that doesn’t seem to die out within the years to come. But what are the exact advantages of picking a particular niche for your travel company? There are several benefits which you can’t ignore: 


  • Improved marketing results. Since you pick a specific niche, you’re already targeting a small group of consumers who are particularly interested in getting experiences you can exclusively offer to them. This means that your marketing efforts are almost a no-brainer. 
  • Less competition. Again, a niche means that you compete at a micro market level, where there are not so many competitors. What’s more important, huge travel corporations seldom penetrate niche markets, so you certainly won’t fight against travel industry Goliaths. 
  • Customer devotion. Customers in your niche are fans of activities you provide them with, which means they are the most loyal and motivated consumers that are easy to retain over time. Just make sure that you can always spice up their interest with new yet familiar experiences. 
  • Greater profit margins. Since consumers are deliberately choosing your niche for travel, they are ready to pay for getting relatable experiences. This means you can set premium prices for such keen travelers, as your customers will fully appreciate the value of money for experiences they get.
  • Reduced environmental footprint. Almost any business does care for the environmental impact it leaves. Niche travel is especially devoted to sustainability of trips tourists make, as trips involve less people and transport, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions and exposing the environment to other harms. 

Top niche travel examples


Niche travel is crazily popular, which is why we cannot cover all niches for travel, but we’ll take a look at several most promising and unique ones to inspire you for tapping into one of them or coming up with some new travel niche ideas


Dark tourism


There is a niche in travel that caters to individuals fascinated by death, disaster, tragedy, destruction, and the other macabre. This specialized form of travel is commonly referred to as dark tourism. 


The question arises: Why are people drawn to this type of tourism? It can be attributed to our innate curiosity about the unknown. Dark tourism allows visitors to explore places with captivating and intriguing histories. Many travelers seek out these experiences to delve into the historical significance of a location or gain a deeper understanding of somber events. Some are driven by a desire for philosophical contemplation during their visits to such places. 



If you're interested in creating a dark tourism product, start by identifying local sites with obscure histories. Once you've pinpointed these locations, the next step is to craft compelling and engaging storytelling that will captivate your prospective clients.




Agrotourism is an increasingly popular trend where individuals visit working farms or other agricultural sites for recreational or educational purposes. This market is growing steadily due to the rising demand for outdoor experiences and people's desire to reconnect with nature. 


There are various activities associated with agrotourism, including wildlife study, horseback riding, tours of canneries, cooking classes featuring local produce, wine tasting, navigating corn mazes, enjoying hayrides, visiting cut-your-own Christmas tree farms, and exploring petting zoos. 



You can collaborate with local producers and farmers who are often seeking opportunities to diversify their activities and boost their profits. By partnering with locals in your destination, you can offer unique agrotourism experiences to visitors and tap into this growing market.


Ethnic tourism


Many countries recognize the value of ethnic tourism as means to promote economic and cultural development, particularly for minority groups and indigenous communities. These communities often attract tourists who are interested in immersing themselves in unique cultural experiences and learning about traditional ways of life. 


Examples of such communities include the Amish in the United States, the First Nations societies in Canada and North America, and the Maori in New Zealand. These communities offer rich cultural heritage, rituals, gastronomy, and traditions that appeal to travelers seeking a deep connection with their ancestors or those passionate about discovering new cultures.


If you operate in an area near a native or traditional community, investing in ethnic tourism can be a promising venture. By collaborating with and supporting these communities, you can create authentic and immersive experiences for tourists, while also contributing to the economic growth and preservation of cultural heritage. It's an opportunity to showcase the unique traditions, arts, crafts, and storytelling that these communities have to offer, and to foster mutual understanding and appreciation between visitors and locals.


VR/AR tourism


With the growing popularity of virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/AR) technology, traveling by just putting a headset on your head has become another trendy type of niche traveling. VR/AR technologies offer almost endless possibilities for creating truly unique travel experiences: from visiting various sights and places from the comfort of one’s home to immersing into authentic, even fantastic worlds where a tourist can interact with virtual objects without taking much effort. 



At the same time, VR/AR traveling means that extreme activities become available to anyone, since no risks are involved while experiences are next to real ones. There is no doubt that VR/AR technology is a source for endless travel experiences you can offer to your clients. 


Solo travel


Solo travel means a journey or vacation alone, without the presence or company of other people. It involves an individual traveling independently and taking on the responsibilities and experiences of the trip on their own. 


Solo travel has gained popularity in recent years as more people embrace the freedom, self-discovery, and personal growth that comes from exploring the world alone. It allows individuals to set their own itinerary, make decisions based on personal preferences, and immerse themselves fully in the destination they are visiting.



Solo travel also offers the chance to meet new people and make connections with locals and fellow travelers. It can foster independence, self-confidence, and a sense of empowerment as individuals navigate unfamiliar environments and overcome challenges on their own. Moreover, solo travel means the flexibility to adapt plans and change itineraries at will, without the need to accommodate the preferences and schedules of travel companions. 


How to pick the right travel niche?


Okay, we’ve convinced you that niche travel is a good opportunity to grow your business. But how do you select the right niche to tap into? No worries, we’ve got you covered, just take a look at the following recommendations: 


  • Select what you’re passionate about. Niche travel means that people go on a thematic trip which they find of particular interest to them. The same should work for you. For example, if you are a huge music geek, arranging trips to music open air festivals will make you feel inspired. You’ll prepare everything as though you’re getting ready for a trip yourself or you are the owner of the place where your customers will travel to. The clients will feel that vibe, while the details of your travel itinerary will be remarkable. 
  • Know your customers. Before cherry-picking a niche for travel services, think about what kind of people you would like to work with. Their demographics, behaviors, interests, and priorities matter much for formulating a relevant travel offer they’ll find delightful and matching their expectations. 
  • Choose the right time and place. Niche trips depend much upon time and place, as many of them relate to a specific season or even one date in a calendar. Getting back to the example of music festivals, it makes sense for you to plan relatable trips as soon as a particular festival is announced. In addition, take care of booking flights, accommodations, transfer, and car rental in advance, so your clients don’t need to bother themselves with anything. You can do this by using Btravel Online’s robust all-in-one booking engine, where you can create a travel itinerary according to the needs of your customers and specifics of a travel niche you’re going to offer. 
  • Brainstorm and then narrow down your offer. You may have dozens of options to provide your customers with, but we recommend you to brainstorm as many ideas as possible. Then, taking into account the recommendations mentioned above, narrow down your travel niche to a single direction and reinforce all your efforts to deliver top-notch travel experiences. The more narrow-specific you are, the better experiences your customers will get with your niched travel destination and activities. 


Open your travel niche together with the power of Btravel Online


Niche travel faces a serious surge in popularity because consumers are looking for unique, narrow-specific, and customer-centric travel experiences that involve not only just going somewhere and spending time but also getting various experiences and learning from local cultures, places, and people. 


That is why niche travel is a promising way to grow your travel business. To create unique travel itineraries and provide your clients with tailor-made travel offers, you just need to become a partner with Btravel Online. Our booking engine is trusted by 10,000+ travel agents worldwide as it includes 300,000+ accommodations, 17,000+ international airports, 6,000+ car rental stations, and 18,000+ activities. 

Ready to explore a new travel niche? Contact Btravel Online today and let's make it happen! Reach out now to unleash your travel business might and create unique experiences that will captivate your customers.