Traveling the World with a Slow Food Mindset

Jun 18, 20237 min readShare on LinkedIn

In this article, you will discover ways to assist your clients in adopting the slow food lifestyle, such as backing local economies, immersing in the culture, and finding venues to indulge in traditional cuisine.


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In 1986, Carlo Petrini, like thousands of other Italians, came to the protests against the opening of the first McDonalds in Rome. To make their message more convincing, the activists didn’t simply wave the banners and placards but distributed the bowls of home-made pasta, inviting passersby to try sustainable and traditional cuisine. “We don’t want fast food, we want slow food” was one of their main slogans back in the days. Even though protesters didn’t stop McDonalds, this event was the beginning of the movement with thousands of dedicated followers worldwide – the slow food movement.


If your clients want to incorporate a slow food lifestyle into their travels, the Btravel team has compiled a list of activities you can offer to them to satisfy their needs. But before we get straight to the topic, let’s discuss what the slow food movement is.


What is the slow food movement?



The slow food movement is a social movement that focuses on encouraging local food cultures, protecting small local businesses, and strengthening the relationship between chefs, farmers, and consumers. Slow movement advocates are interested in what they consume, how it’s produced, and where it comes from. 

The slow food movement was born to improve the health of communities and the environment by:


  • supporting small-scale food production
  • preserving organic farming 
  • protecting endangered food products
  • encouraging agricultural biodiversity
  • reinforcing local marketplaces
  • standing against the use of pesticides and genetically modified products.

5 proven ways to deliver memorable slow food experiences

If your client came up to you with a request for a slow food experience, you won’t have to scratch your head while searching for relevant offers. The list below will help you deliver exciting experiences to remember.


Opt for fresh flavors of seasonal foods


Have you ever experienced the pure joy of gathering ripe peaches that are bursting with juice and flavor? If you have, then you’ll understand why so many slow food travelers are mad about locally grown, seasonal foods. But many of them seek this experience not only to savor delicious meals but also support local farmers and reduce the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation and storage.


To give you an idea, a popular destination for slow food tourism is the Tuscany region of Italy during the fall. Olives, mushrooms, grapes, and truffles are some of the seasonal ingredients travelers can find to create perfect slow food recipes during this time. By participating in cooking classes, checking out wine tastings, visiting local markets, and eating out in farm-to-table restaurants that serve seasonal dishes, they can gain a deeper understanding of foreign culture and the essential role that food plays in it.


Bring more authenticity with traditional foods 



The slow food movement helps tourists not to fall prey to generic stereotypes or popularized media portrayals of traditional cuisine. Slow food travelers seek to dive deeper into the culture and truly experience its authentic culinary masterpieces, rather than just ticking off a box on their travel itinerary. 


For instance, when in France, a slow food enthusiast is more likely to opt for a bowl of onion soup over hamburgers, as the latter are not commonly prepared by French people. By embracing dishes that represent the local culture, slow food travelers can gain a more nuanced understanding of the traditions that make a destination genuinely unique.

Never dismiss food stalls


When you’re thinking about slow food travel, food stalls probably would be the last thing that pops into your mind. However, by purchasing from street stalls, tourists can support local business people who have a strong pride in their products. This way, travelers can not only promote the local economy but also learn about the local food heritage from A to Z. 


Be it Mexico City with its famous tacos or Berlin with its mouth-watering currywurst, travelers can discover food stalls almost anywhere to satisfy their taste buds. But finding neat places can mean a lot of sampling, and your health-conscious clients may not want to sign up for that. That’s why we recommend you to search for some decent options with many rave reviews from locals. Useful tip: suggest your clients food stalls located in less touristy neighborhoods as well as those known for having a long line of devoted foodies.  

Connect farms with foodies



Visiting farms that support sustainable agriculture can become both an educational and entertaining experience for your clients. Most tourists embracing the slow food movement would be interested in witnessing first-hand how the foods are produced and learning more about sustainable ways of growing harvests. 


Not only does such a trip provide meaningful insights, but it also offers an opportunity to support local farmers and businesses. Many of these small-scale farmers struggle to compete with big, globalized corporations. When travelers buy locally grown foods and dine at farm-to-table restaurants, they help them stay afloat and continue fulfilling their key mission – delivering fresh, seasonal, and organic foods to the table.


As a travel agent, you can create custom itineraries for your travelers to have a trip to remember. The Btravel Online booking engine can offer you a large number of packages and activities that would turn a farm visit into a thrilling adventure. If your client has unique preferences, our team can gladly help you provide tailor-made offers that would fit your clients’ interests. 


Suggest festivals to drink, eat, and have fun


Festivals are made for sinking teeth in lots of delicious food while getting to know a local culture. Whether food is the main component of a festival or just one of its rituals, travelers get to know the culinary legacy, enjoy the taste of locally sourced products, and gain interesting insights into the local way of life. It’s a chance to indulge in traditional dishes, learn some recipes, and make friends with locals who are passionate about their cultural heritage. 


When organizing a trip, make sure that the festival offers different activities that support local, sustainable agriculture, like cuisine demonstrations or cooking classes. To help tourists fully appreciate these events, you may also want to share some information about participating vendors and the festival's history well in advance.


Create an unforgettable slow food experience with Btravel Online

One of the best ways to experience a foreign culture is through embracing the slow food movement. By taking the time to savor each bite of local, organically grown products, travelers not only get to enjoy the flavors and textures of their meals, but also gain a deeper appreciation for the culture, its traditions, and hard work of the community. It’s no wonder why this movement has been gaining momentum and continues to be an in-demand experience by many travelers around the globe.


If you want to provide memorable experiences to slow food enthusiasts, you might be willing to get access to our powerful booking platform. The Btravel Online engine offers more than 18,000 activities, including but limited to farm tours, cooking classes, and farm-to-table dining experiences. If a farm or a restaurant is located in remote areas, we can help you arrange transportation without any hassle. Our robust engine provides transfers in more than 12,000 locations at affordable prices, so your client will just need to pick the time and vehicle, and we’ll take care of the rest. 


Contact us now, if you want to deliver slow food experiences that your clients will cherish for years to come.